L., Age: 17, from Gambia

8 September 2017

I spent three years in Libya and was in Zwara, specifically, for the last two. I worked for the Libyan police but I didn’t really have a job. The police would use me and I couldn’t refuse. They beat me violently and threatened to kill me when I tried to object. I had been assigned the task of recuperating cadavers from the sea: the bodies of my brothers who had died as victims in shipwrecks. I was supposed to gather the bodies and then burry them. I saw around 3,000 cadavers in these two years. Eventually, I grew accustomed to it. Eventually, I stopped reacting emotionally. I stopped getting upset. Yet, I never could get used to the bodies of pregnant women or children.

This testimony was gathered at the Pozzallo Hotspot on the 8th of September 2017.
